We offer the following treatments to suit your medical needs:

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese Medicine modality that involves the insertion of an acupuncture needle in the body to move qi and blood along the meridian pathways of the body. In the modern day there are different styles of acupuncture used all around the body and can be used for all diseases and all sensitivities. Japanese style acupuncture, acupressure (no needle insertion), and all of the following modalities are great for those who are needle shy.

Moxibustion is a technique using the Chinese Mugwort "Ai Ye" plant. Processed mugwort is burned over or on specific acupuncture points.

Tuina therapeutic massage is used for musculoskeletal issues. It can be gentle but is more similar to deep tissues massage often include stretches.
Pediatric Tuina is commonly used on children in China. Light sweeping motions and stretches are used around the body. This is useful for many issues including common cold/flu, digestive issues, and weight loss. Chinese herbs or moxa may be used in conjunction with tuina therapy. A parent or legal guardian must be present at each appointment. Appointments are 30 minutes long.

Cupping or "ba guan" is used for respiratory and musculoskeletal pain. Fire is used to create suction between the cup and skin.

Guasha is an ancient folk remedy used in many cultures. It involves strategic scraping over the skin to increase local circulation. Similar to cupping it can be used for respiratory illness and musculoskeletal pain.

Chinese Herbs
We offer Chinese herbal granules, patents, liniments and dietary supplements at Hawthorne Acupuncture. Prescriptions raw herbs can be provided.